ENG We present you the amazing world of Cross Finance with the XFI coin token! From November 1, 2023, our official website is open to you. Here you will find not only information about our company and products, but also inspiration, opportunities and endless resources for development in our unique ecosystem. Immerse yourself in the world of Cross Finance right now! RUS دًهنٌٍàâëےهى âàى َنèâèٍهëüيûé ىèً Cross Finance ٌ ىîيهٍîé-ٍîêهيîى XFI! ر 1 يîےلًے 2023 مîنà يàّ îôèِèàëüيûé ٌàéٍ îٍêًûٍ نëے âàٌ. انهٌü âû يàéنهٍه يه ٍîëüêî èيôîًىàِè‏ î يàّهé êîىïàيèè è ïًîنَêٍàُ, يî è âنîُيîâهيèه, âîçىîويîٌٍè è لهٌêîيه÷يûه ًهًٌٌَû نëے ًàçâèٍèے â يàّهé َيèêàëüيîé ‎êîٌèٌٍهىه. دîمًَçèٍهٌü â ىèً Cross Finance ïًےىî ٌهé÷àٌ! êًîٌٌ ôèيàيٌ