[COLOR=#4C4C4C !important] worldwide. However, accurately reciting the Quran requires more than just reading the Arabic text; It requires understanding and adhering to certain rules known as Tajweed. At Quran Light, we provide detailed insights into the Quran's recitation rules and ensure that your recitation is as accurate and melodious as it should be.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#4C4C4C !important]Rules Of Quran[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#4C4C4C !important]Rules Of Quran[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#4C4C4C !important]Rules for Nun Sakinah and Tanween[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#4C4C4C !important]The Nun Sakinah and Tanween rules concern the pronunciation changes that occur when a "nun" is silent (Sakinah) or when the vowel Tanween appears at the end of a word. There are four main rules: Ikhfa (concealment), Izhar (revelation), Idgham (assimilation) and Iqlab (conversion).[/COLOR]