There are multiple methods of gastric sleeve operation. In Medicsey center, we will explain the methods of gastric sleeve operation:

  • First, the sleeve gastrectomy is performed by surgical methods, the most common of which is to add a medical band around the upper part of the stomach, which reduces its absorptive capacity and thus reduces the individual’s ratio of food.
  • While in other cases a part of the stomach is cut, estimated at 15% of its original size.
  • The gastric sleeve turkey price of all kinds is very low, and all of them have achieved good results.

The gastric stapling process
Gastric sleeve surgery:
Gastric banding:
Gastric reduction surgery
Gastric bypass surgery:
The balloon operation:
In a new, tube-like size, the surgeon will remove the part of the stomach that secretes an appetite-promoting hormone. The patients' stomach will become like a sack, small (about 1/10 the size of your original stomach) it will leave them feeling full and full more quickly than before, helping them lose weight.
Gastric band surgery in Turkey is a procedure that a person resorts to when he exhausts his chances of losing weight, but it is not considered a final solution to the problem of obesity.
It is the first surgery in the world for obesity, and it appeared in its current form since the late sixties, and more than five hundred thousand cases were conducted in the world and of them in the last year alone, more than eighty thousand cases, and this makes it the most surgery used to treat obesity in the world. .