A package of exclusive services offered to you by Wadi El Nile in its latest projects inside Upville Compound 6 October

In Upville October, your health is safe, as the medical clinics have a group of natural clinics in many specialties that always provide their medical services and are fully prepared to receive emergencies around the clock.
Pharmacies provide you with all medicines and operate 24 hours a day in Upville 6 October.
And because the child is the basis of society, the real estate developer was interested in establishing an educational nursery that offers recreational activities and works to prepare the child for the various educational stages by providing its services at the highest level.
The security system in Upville October Compound is excellent, as the compound was provided with high-quality surveillance cameras, and the security staff was trained to maintain the safety of residents and residential units inside Upville 6 October.
Learn about the most important features in Upville October Compound
To complement the elements of excellence that Wadi El Nile Developments seeks to achieve, we find that, in addition to the integrated services it provides to you upon receiving your residential unit, it has provided you with an additional set of unique features that aim at your comfort and well-being, among the most prominent of these features

Vast spaces of green lawns and landscapes occupy the vast space of ​​Upville 6 October Compound, which form natural dividers between the units, and green trees, palms, green grass, and beautiful flowers are among the most important elements of psychological comfort and tranquility that you find in Upville October.
Water bodies, water basins, and fountains with crystal clear water add an atmosphere of sophistication and luxury to the place, as it blends with the green spaces and form an exquisitely designed painting in Upville October.
Upville 6 October is equipped with private garages for unit owners to regulate traffic and prevent congestion.
A mosque designed in the Islamic style to hold prayers.
A security system that works against the occurrence of fires.
Tracks for walking and others for running, and there are also paths designated for cycling inside Upville October.