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Getting it off their chest: Study reveals how ants talk to each other

Next time you see an army of ants scurrying around, bear in mind that they may be following orders.
For scientists have shown that the insects talk to each other and are more intelligent than anyone ever realised.
that ants communicate by stroking a natural 'washboard' on their abdomen with a
body part
that resembles a plectrum.

Body talk: Queen ants make a subtly different noise rubbing their

to worker ants, allowing them to talk to each other
Scientists had known for decades that ants make noises by rubbing ridges on their bodies. However, it was assumed the scraping sound was nothing more than an alarm cry.
By placing 4mm microphones and speakers inside a nest of 400

red ants
, a team of British and Spanish scientists were able to record the scraping sound of queens and play the sounds back to the workers.
Professor Jeremy Thomas, of

Oxford University
, who took part in the study, said: 'When we played the queen sounds they did "en garde" behaviour.
'They would stand motionless with their antennae held out and their jaws apart for hours --the moment anyone goes near they will attack.'
Some of the noises made by queens and workers were identical but both groups of ants also had their own unique sounds.
Professor Thomas said: 'Our study shows for the first time that different members make different sounds and that the sounds result in different behaviour.'
The scientists are unsure how the ants 'hear' the sounds. They probably detect vibrations and may have a dedicated part of their bodies that listens out to vibrations in the air.
The study, published in the

journal Science
, also found that some predators trick ants by mimicking the sounds of the queens.

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