How is 4D body sculpting performed?

This procedure is carried out through the VASER technology, which is an abbreviation for amplifying the vibrations of sound energy by resonance, in which ultrasound technology, which is usually gentle on the skin, is used to break up the bonds between fat cells, destroying them and getting rid of them permanently.
Where the location of the sagging is determined by the plastic surgeon and then he inserts the vaser tube by making incisions in the flabby area not exceeding half a centimeter. Ultrasound waves are pumped through this tube, which works to dissolve these fats, then the injection is done by saline solution and the fat is withdrawn permanently, and it is worth mentioning This fat can be reused again.
Surgery preparations

The four-dimensional body sculpting with Vaser is performed within the clinics of plastic surgeons or specialized cosmetic centers, and before starting this procedure, the following should be discussed with your doctor:

  1. The cost of one session.
  2. The expected results.
  3. The number of sessions you need.
  4. Convalescence period.
  5. Session duration

The 4D body sculpting session with Vaser takes approximately 60 minutes, and has no complications or side effects, as the patient can practice his daily activities on the same day.

The 4D Vaser body sculpting technique gives great results, as it helps get rid of annoying localized fats that resist exercise or dieting.
Candidates for 4D body sculpting

You should talk to your doctor before the operation, to see if you are a good candidate for this operation or not, and here are the people who are most suitable for 4D dynamic sculpting and they are:

  • People in good general health.
  • Ladies who are not thinking about getting pregnant soon enough.
  • People who suffer from sagging fat in a certain area.
  • People with double chin problem.
  • People who suffer from local obesity where their body mass index does not exceed 30.